
Showing posts from January, 2021

Get the new sustainable fashion Toolkit here

Are you want to make your brand Sustainable but frustrated because of the barriers to sustainability then a sustainable fashion Toolkit is the only way out of this condition. It introduces a centralized location for sustainable resources. The sustainable Fashion Toolkit is the consequence of a coordinated effort between "Fashion Takes Action and PwC ", with the objective of progressing feasible practices through simple admittance to assets. With supportive, adjustable channels intended for basic route, the stage will assist you with finding what you need for your particular maintainability venture. Sustainable Fashion Tool Kit | Moda Circolare - Visit Now!

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by sustainable fashion consulting agency

Today we as a sustainable fashion consulting agency discuss in-depth the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how to apply them to the fashion industry. Where are the SDS born? The influence and power of the fashion industry go far beyond the catwalks. And that is, the global fashion industry has a great social impact and environmental footprint. Many of us do not understand how the clothes we wear in day-to-day life can affect the world in which we live. In response to how human behaviors are affecting the world, the Sustainable Development Goals were born at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development 2012. The sustainable fashion strategy consists of a collection of 17 global objectives aimed at the preservation and care of the environment, the end of poverty, and economic prosperity at the global level. Each of these targets has specific indicators set to assess its progress and will have to be met by 2030. What are the SDGs? The SDGs are an evolution t